Fully automatic demoulding with themulti-function shuttering robot (MFSR)

Increase in production and facilitated working

Machines, which can place transverse formworks on pallets or tracks and remove it again following production, have been in use in the production of floor and wall slabs for many years. In modern multi-function systems equipped with a shuttering robot, however, the formwork has had to be removed manually up to now. Using the latest image processing technology and a multi-function shuttering robot (MFSR), it has now been possible to implement an industrially usable solution for the fully automatic removal of formwork parts. This automatic demoulding robot can now recognise all formwork parts on a pallet after demoulding of the prefabricated elements, remove them and transport them for cleaning. The position of the formwork is thereby unimportant. Thanks to successful cooperation between the companies SAA Engineering, Sommer Anlagentechnik and Ingenieurbüro Hobl, this solution was recently put into operation at the Oberndorfer company in Austria.

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SAA Software Engineering GmbH Gudrunstraße 184/1/10 1100 Wien, Austria T +43 1 64142470 F +43 1 641424721 office@saa.at www.saa.at SOMMER Anlagentechnik GmbH Benzstr. 1 84051 Altheim, Germany T +49 8703 98910 F +49 8703 989125 info@sommer-landshut.de www.sommer-landshut.de Ingenieurbüro HOBL GmbH Am Weiher 5 4600 Schleißheim b. Wels, Austria T +43 7242 65958 F +43 7242 211636 office@ibhobl.at www.ibhobl.at Franz Oberndorfer GmbH & Co Lambacher Straße 14 4623 Gunskirchen, Austria T +43 7246 72720 F +43 ¬7246 8962 www.oberndorfer.at office@oberndorfer.at


13.01.2025 - 18.01.2025
21.01.2025 - 23.01.2025
23.01.2025 - 25.01.2025