VibroCast technology represented by Atillas Utilaje SRL in the Romanian market

Expomat s.r.l., 33100 Udine, Italy

The Romanian market greeted for the first time a new series of machines that help produce reinforced or unreinforced concrete elements which are especially used within the infrastructure domain. The VibroCastTM vibroforming machines are 100% made in Italy and are sold in Romania through Atillas Utilaje SRL. VibroCast is a registered trademark, property of the Italian company Expomat srl, specialized in the commercialization of machineries for the production of precast concrete elements. VibroCast is synonymous of tailormade machineries and molds upon special requests from customers and devoted to technical innovation. With an experience of over 50 years on the market, this type of machines is well known among the specialists, but were not frequently used within the Romanian market.

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Expomat s.r.l. Via del Cotonificio, 39/A, 33100 Udine, Italy T +39 0432 229306 SC ATILLAS UTILAJE SRL B.Dul. 1 Dec. 1918, nr. 4, et. 2, ap. 10 400699 Cluj-Napoca, Romania Gal Laszlo, director tehnic M +40 723 084 525 Kalman Istvan, director M +40 721 266 468


30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025
08.04.2025 - 11.04.2025